15 May, 2013


You have a lot of questions running through your mind, never really have known how to love? When you where small you had a lot of dreams that transformed to vision.

As a girl you can't have a man look at you for 5 seconds, ain't you been secured, maybe you are the type that never credit yourself and you always feel like you deserve anything bad that befell you, and now silently and calmly seating in that corner thinking about how to love?

You could love your pets at home have a feeling for your parents, you might love your new pair of jeans so much but it doesn't really define that of a relationship because when you do love your pet or your cars, mansions you have they can return it back as you've given them but loving someone in a relationship is the best experience you could ever have.

Oh that feeling, drive, emotions you feel within that transform into the world can see its so sweet pure and true.

Its not a big deal and you are not alone, love is magical that's how I feel, it cant be bought, forced or artificially instigated an adage goes like"you can't take a horse to the stream and force it to drink water.

So also that's applicable in love as it affects relationship, its a natural process, when you discover that after like 2 weeks into a relationship you begin to be less interested in the relationship with your partner then maybe you didn't love well from the foundation when you started.

You fell for something else maybe for his pulse or for her complexion, that's not a basis for love, you can't build love on a faulty foundation and expect it to stand.

love him/her like you love yourself, don't force it, it should be natural, just like artificial hair you have to be changing it every now and then.

love is reciprocal and if you can't find love in the relationship you are any longer just because your man bankrupts and your feelings for him goes along with the lack of cash the higher his value financially the higher your love for him and the lower his pocket strength the lower your love for him.

You may be a very good player in that game but someday you might run out of luck and God help you if after coming out of that mess you are able to learn your lessons.

Loving a person is like when you go to the bank you invest your money and you get a bigger return just like that you also invest in love, pour in your own love regardless of the returns initially and just have a little more patience.

He or she will start seeing reasons with you that's if you are bent on making the relationship work.

There is no way you can learn out to love a person without trying as much as possible to relate with the person a good and sound communication makes up a better relationship.

These will affect every aspect of your life, your mind will be sharper your interaction with everyone around you will be amazing.

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