24 September, 2014


Mothers, you carry the child for nine months, you cared for it, yes, kudos, well done.......so now the child is grown and ready to settle down, he's found his own missing rib, she found her heart's desire, they've planned out their future......they came before you as good well raised children, for your blessing...".. and what did you do? You lose your mind, all you see are faults, here you come with you threats.......If I'm your mother, you'll do what I say, you can't marry her, she's of a different tribe, she's from a broken home, she's a different religion, you can't marry him, he's not rich enough, I already promised you to my friend's son, he not educated as you are........I know better, I'm your mother, if you go against me, I'll disown you, my way or the highway, you must do what I say, or I will put a curse on you.......me, me, my, my........smh.........mom, know that your blessing is wanted, but your permission is not needed.......it's the love and respect, but mommy, don't abuse it.

Well mother! Yes you carried him/her, you are the care taker, that is a job you signed up for, you were not forced into it, you willingly went into motherhood, it's rewards are great, it's a blessing and a privilege, but mama.......you are just the care taker......this child belong to God.... Some mothers will use the guilt about pregnancy and how much they care and suffered just to manipulate their grown child into doing what they want, they care less what the child wants, as long as she gets her way, she's fine.........but you must realize that this child was sent here to fulfill his own destiny, they are their own person, they have their own dreams and aspirations, you don't own them, your Job as a mother is to care, nurture, train them with morals, put them through in the way of God as a child, then as an adult, you give advice and step back and hope that everything you taught them as a child will now do it's magic.......it not your place to threatened, bully, manipulate or curse at them....because you don't get your way....

Some mothers are born bullies, they will rather destroy their children rather than see them be some independent..... There comes a time that you must step back and let them be an individual, let them follow their hearts, chase their dreams.......just support them with prayers, let them know, if you don't agree, but tell them you will always be there if you are needed.......

Yes, we have fathers like this too, but mothers' own are a bit extra, to them the child is a property, since he/she sucked her breast......so what, that's what the breasts are for, that's his/her right to suck em, train him, raise him well and give him wings to fly and conquer the world and go on to live to fulfill his destiny which he/she was sent forth to do in the first place.....mothers don't guilt your child into become half of what he's supposed to be, because he's trying to please you.............

Don't be his stumbling block all in the name of I carried you in my belle, na ma booby you bin sucked......he's not your property, he/she's not a house or car......he/she's a child of God given to you to care for.......and Father God will definitely ask you how you did with his precious gift...#Gbam

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